8 Safety Tips for Going Boating with Dogs
One of the exciting activities you likely haven't tried with your dog yet is boating. Most dogs enjoy the combination of being outdoors and...
CBD Dog Treats: Top 5 Brands To Choose From
CBD dog treats interact with the nerve receptors of vertebrae animals, e.g., humans and dogs. CBD dog treats may offer the same health-boosting benefits...
7 Health Benefits of Owning a Dog
Did you know that canines may lower the risk of you having heart disease? If you own one, you're probably enjoying the health benefits...
24 Ways to Prevent Heatstroke in Dogs
Summer heat is in full swing, and so are summer dangers for dogs: heat exhaustion and heatstroke. When temperatures get this high, heatstroke in...
First Aid for Dogs: 8 Things Every Dog Owner Must Know
Many have a first aid kit in bathroom cabinets for emergencies but have you thought about what you'll do to provide first aid for...
5 Best Air Purifiers for Dog Hair
According to statistics, around 68% of households in the US have a pet, with 90 million dogs in those households. That’s a lot of...
Why Are Dogs Scared of Thunder?
If your dog is anything like mine, she will shake and whimper when there is a thunderstorm approaching. If you're reading this article, you're obviously wondering why are dogs scared of thunder?