Tag: Gut Health
5 Home Remedies for Dog Constipation
It is important that all pet owners educate themselves on the signs and symptoms, as well as a few home remedies for dog constipation.
The Best Prebiotics for Dogs: 6 Things You Must Know
t times, it feels impossible to keep up to date with everything to ensure the health of our dogs.
With these "to-do lists" getting longer, things...
Home Remedies for Worms in Dogs
Preventing an infestation with one of these home remedies for worms in dogs (foods, probiotics, apple cider vinegar) will ensure your pet stays healthy.
Recipe: Homemade Dog Food for IBD, IBS and Colitis
Trying to care for a dog with bowel problems is difficult. You'll likely have to change the diet. This homemade dog food for IBD, IBS and Colitis may be a good fit.
How To Massage Gas Out of Dogs
Gas is a normal and natural occurrence. This problem can negatively effect your dog, so it's best if you know how to massage gas out of dogs.
9 Most Common Dog Health Issues
Veterinary medicine has made a lot of progress in predicting future health problems in dogs, and veterinarians (and owners) are now much more effective...
Top 5 Best Digestive Aids for Dogs with GI and Anal...
- There are lots of digestive aids available in the market that contain natural ingredients beneficial to dogs
- Dogs should be able to...
10 Reasons to Give Your Dog Probiotics (Based on Science)
The term “probiotic” is a catch-all for the substance that stimulates “friendly” gut-dwelling microbes found in both humans and animals (1). These microscopic yet...
Leaky Gut in Dogs: Real Thing or a Myth?
The legitimacy of leaky gut syndrome in dogs (and people) has been debated as the idea of the condition is a recent development, whether...
Review: NomNomNow Microbiome Testing Kit and Probiotics
It's just as important to care for the bacteria in your dog's gut as it is to care for your dog, and the NomNomNow Microbiome Testing Kit can help.
Dogs And Humans Share Surprisingly Similar Gut Bacteria, Study Says
There’s a lot more that dogs and humans share, and the new discovery of similar gut bacteria could help answer a global health problem...