Dog Food & Nutrition

Articles, studies and advice on best dog food brands, interviews with vets on dog nutrition, reviews of top dog food choices and videos of how to read dog food labels, how to feed a dog, and everything else a responsible dog parent needs to know about dog foods.

Homemade Dog Food Recipe for UTI

Recipe: Dog Food Recipe for UTI

Urinary tract infections are fairly common in dogs, and they're usually not something to be too concerned about. This dog food recipe for UTI issues may help your pet, but it's important to run the recipe past your veterinarian first. If you believe that your dog has a urinary tract infection, you need to consult your veterinarian for a urinalysis in order to be sure. Your veterinarian will want a urine sample from your pet, and I've made a quick guide on how to obtain one easily.
Coconut and Cranberry Dog Treat Recipe

Recipe: Coconut and Cranberry Dog Treats

Cranberries and coconut are both superfoods for dogs. These coconut and cranberry dog treats are an easy way to add some extra nutrients to your pets diet. Cranberries are high in fiber and antioxidants, which help prevent disease and boost your dog's immune system. Adding cranberries to your dog's diet can also help if he is having urinary tract issues.

Cinnamon Banana Dog Treat Recipe

Cinnamon is often added to human food recipes to jazz up the flavor and add some additional nutrients. This cinnamon banana dog treat recipe can do the same for your pet! Cinnamon has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. If your dog is older or overweight, adding cinnamon to his diet has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
Homemade Dog Food for Ear Infections

Recipe: Homemade Dog Food for Ear Infections

Ear infections in dogs are a common problem, and some dogs get them more than others. Homemade dog food for ear infections are also known as yeast starvation recipes, and they help to reduce one of the most common causes of ear infections in dogs.
Dog Food Recipe for Senior Dogs

Dog Food Recipe for Senior Dogs

You may think that selecting a commercial dog food that is labeled as a 'senior' dog food will be good enough for your aging pet. These types of dog food recipe for senior dogs are formulated for the "average" senior dog, and don't have your pet's unique needs in mind.
Dog Food for Dry Skin

Recipe: Dog Food for Dry Skin

Ask any expert what the best indicator of a dog's overall health and well-being is, and they will likely tell you it's the condition of his skin and coat. The easiest way to improve the condition of his skin and coat is through proper nutrition, like this homemade dog food for dry skin.
Vegan Dog Food Recipe

Sweet Potato & Kale Vegan Dog Food Recipe

Veganism and vegetarianism are on the rise with humans, and we're seeing the same trend in the pet food industry. If your vet agrees, this sweet potato and kale vegan dog food recipe could be a good fit for your pup.
Review Dog Is Human Multivitamin for Dogs

Review: Dog Is Human Multivitamin for Dogs

There are a lot of vitamins and supplements available to give your dog's health a boost. If you're looking for something to support your dog's overall health and well-being, a multivitamin for dogs, like this one from Dog Is Human, may be a better option.

Why Are Dogs Always Hungry?

My Labrador Retriever is a bottomless pit. It seems as if she can never get enough to eat. This left me asking the question, why are dogs always hungry? Some dogs are picky eaters, like my Beagle mix, while others would eat until they made themselves sick. What is the difference? Why are some dogs so gluttonous? Could your dog’s incessant hunger be a sign of a serious problem? I did a lot of research and consulted a veterinarian and a canine nutritionist to answer all of these questions and more.
Homemade Dog Food for Liver Health

Recipe: Homemade Dog Food for Liver Health

We all know that the liver is a vital organ. It removes toxins and waste from the body and produces bile to help aid digestion. Feeding a homemade dog food for liver health is a great idea, even if you pup doesn't have a liver related condition.

Recipe: Homemade Dog Food for Cushing’s Disease

If your dog has been diagnosed with Cushing's Disease, you're probably feeling very scared and overwhelmed. There is a lot of information online, in books and coming at you from your veterinarian. No doubt, homemade dog food for Cushing's Disease has crossed your mind.
Dog Food Recipe for Pancreatitis

Dog Food Recipe for Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis in dogs is more common than you may realize. It's certainly overwhelming to hear your dog diagnosed with this condition. There are many things that you can do to help your pet live a long and healthy life, including feeding a dog food recipe for pancreatitis.


Aspirin for Dogs: Can Dogs Have ASA? Featured Image

Aspirin for Dogs: Can Dogs Have ASA?

Your dog is limping, and you thought of aspirin for dogs. Can dogs have ASA for pain relief? Before you reach for that pill bottle,...
dog eats plastic

Your Dog Ate Plastic? Here’s 6 Steps You Must Do Immediately

KEY TAKEAWAYS: - Dogs can eat plastic because of several reasons, either medical or behavioral. - Dogs cannot digest plastic; either they vomit/poop it or they...
Cancer moles on dogs - as seen on a dog's belly

What Do Cancer Moles on Dogs Look Like?

If you’ve ever noticed a mole or lump on your dog, you’ve probably wondered, “Is this normal, or could it be cancerous?” It’s a question...
Most Popular Fighting Dog Breeds

15 Most Popular Fighting Dog Breeds

Dogfighting is a cruel animal blood sport where dogs are put on strict diets and training regimes, and the winning canine wins the owner's...
Dog Poop Color Chart

The Ultimate Dog Poop Color Chart (with 9 Pictures!)

KEY TAKEAWAYS: -  Poop color is a good indicator of any underlying health concerns your dog may have. - Your dog's diet, the presence of blood,...

Dog Anal Glands Problems: Signs, Causes, and Treatment

KEY TAKEAWAYS: -  Scooting, biting their rear, bad odor, visible swelling and discharge are some signs of anal glands problem in dogs. - Even as simple...
Top 20 Dog Breeds With The Strongest Bite Force

20 Dog Breeds With Strongest Bite Force (Updated 2025)

KEY TAKEAWAYS: - The Kangal, Bandog, and Cane Corso are just some of the dog breeds that have stronger bite force than a lion. - Most...
My Dog Has a Bump on Her Private Area

14 Reasons Why a Dog Has a Bump on Her Private...

Any foreign bumps and lumps on our dogs are pretty worrisome, especially if you find them in more sensitive areas. So, if your dog has...
How much do puppy & dog vaccines cost in 2025?

How Much Do Puppy & Dog Vaccinations Cost in 2025?

As a new puppy parent, feeling excited and overwhelmed is natural. Puppies bring joy, companionship, and endless cuddles—but they also come with responsibilities, including vaccinations. Vaccinations...
My Dog Has Crusty Scabs on His Back

Crusty Scabs on Dog’s Back? Why and What to Do

KEY TAKEAWAYS: - Scabs on dogs can be caused by allergies, bacterial infections, external parasites, fungal infections, hormonal imbalances, immune disorders, nutritional issues, and yeast...