What Is Happy Tail Syndrome in Dogs and How To Treat It?
A dog’s tail is one of the key tools he uses to communicate. If it’s not working properly, it can be painful and make things challenging for your dog. What is happy tail syndrome in dogs and is it treatable? In this guide I’ll explain exactly what happy tail syndrome is, how it happens and the different treatment options available. Tail injuries in dogs can be difficult, and even frustrating, to deal with. It’s hard to keep the tail still, and trying to stop your dog from wagging is like trying to keep the rain from falling.
Can Dogs Get Dementia?
Can dogs get dementia? Sadly, yes, they can. The worst part of owning a pet is knowing that they won’t live nearly long enough. As our pets age, they can develop many of the same age-related conditions as humans. Watching your dog age is challenging. You may notice the fur around your dog’s eyes and muzzle turning gray.
Why Does My Dog Scoot His Butt On the Floor?
Since you clicked on this article, you must have seen your dog scoot his butt across the floor recently. Maybe he’s even done it multiple times. Either way, it has you wondering “Why does my dog scoot his butt on the floor?”
Can Dogs Catch Covid?
While the pandemic is over and most people have resumed the “new normal”, I still often get asked can dogs catch Covid? The disease is still being spread, and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is still offering guidance, which has some pet owners worried about their canine companions.
Is My Pet Overweight and How To Tell?
Pet obesity has reached epidemic levels in the United States. Sadly, this condition is 100% preventable. If you've been asking yourself "is my pet overweight?", this article will explain how to tell and what you can do about it. According to recent research from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, 59% of dogs and 61% of cats were classified as overweight or obese in 2022. Unfortunately, this statistic is also directly linked to a rise in diseases commonly associated with excess weight including diabetes, arthritis and certain types of cancer.
Foot or Toe Cancer in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Foot or toe cancer in dogs is relatively uncommon compared to other types of cancer. But remember that it can still occur.
The prevalence of...
Anal Gland Cancer in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Is your dog having discomfort in the anus area? Or has he recently been scooting across the floor all of a sudden?
You better have...
Roundworms in Dogs: Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment
Dogs can get infected with numerous types of infectious parasites, and one of them is the roundworm.
Roundworms are internal parasites commonly found in dogs—most...
Understanding Nasal Tumors in Dogs
Did you know that older dogs are more prone to develop nasal tumors?
And without supportive care, a study finds that:
...euthanasia is generally elected within...
Elbow Hygromas in Dogs
Wonder what that swelling on your dog’s elbow is? It doesn’t seem to hurt when you touch it, but it looks like it should....
My Dog Ate Rubber: Potential Risks And What To Do
Dogs are very curious animals. But sometimes, they can get a little too curious and eat something they are not supposed to.
This is especially...
Understanding Myeloma (Bone Marrow Cancer) In Dogs
One thing’s for sure: Cancer sucks.
Not only does it deprive our loved ones of a chance to live healthily…
Unfortunately, so are our pets.
And the...