Dry Dog Poop Featured Image

Maybe it's been a weird day or couple of days for your dog's morning and evening duties.

Their poop seems off.

In fact, the dog poop is dry and crumbly.

Is that bad?

Should you be worrying?

This blog will discuss every possible cause for your dog's stool being dry and crumbly.

We know it's not everyone's favorite topic to discuss, but pooping is a fact of life for both humans and animals.

And as gross as this topic can be, just like humans, a dog's poop is more important than you think.

Similarly to your dog's gums, a dog's poop can tell you a lot of clues about your dog's health.

That's why it's also important to check and monitor your dog's stool.

So, have you recently noticed that your dog's poop is a bit dry or crumbly? Today, we'll explore the possible causes of dry dog stools.

But first, let's discuss what's the perfect dog poop, and later on, we'll break down the possible reasons why your pup's stool is dry and crumbly.

Scroll down and let's get this poop started!

golden retriever puppy pooping

The Ideal Dog Poop

As we've discussed above, Fido's stool can be an indicator of their overall health. So what does the perfect or ideal poop looks like?

Keep in mind that every dog is unique. That's why the ideal poop will also vary.

However, here are a few indications of a healthy dog stool:

  • Firstly, the color of the ideal dog poop is chocolate brown. But if you're feeding them foods with different colors, it's acceptable for a few of these hues to be visible.
  • The ideal form of a perfect dog poop is shaped like a log. Round dog poops can be a sign of dehydration.
  • Also, it should be the same size as the food they ate. The higher of fiber content your dogs eat, the same goes for their stool.
  • It should feel like clay when squished and be easy to pick up.
  • It should not contain any mucus, grass, hair, or other particles.

Why It's Important to Learn the Meanings of Your Dog's Poop

Learning the different meanings of a dog stool can be a great tool for pet owners as it can give them an indicator of their dog's health.

A lot of pet owners will resort to home remedies that they find on the internet as soon as they see their pet feeling unwell. And that's a bad habit.

As pet owners, we should never jump to conclusions and give them medications without a vet's approval.

As mentioned, learning your dog's poo will be an update on the state of your pup's health.

Knowing the definition of their poo can help you manage the situation better.

Dry Dog Poop: 7 Causes For Dry or Crumbly Stool

Here are a few possible reasons why your dog poop is dry, powdery, or crumbly:


Have you seen your pup struggle to defecate lately?

One of the main reasons why your pup's poo is dry and crumbly is because of constipation.

It is the inability to poop normally or comfortably daily.

It may not be as common as dog diarrhea, but it does happen quite often for growing dogs.

This health issue makes the colon muscles sluggish due to dehydration or a lack of fiber.

A few signs of dog constipation are a lack of defecation or general difficulties when defecating.

Another sign of constipation is hard, dry stools that feel like pebbles when you pick them up.

The most common causes of constipation are:

  • Interluminal Causes – This group involves the partial or complete blockage of the colon, usually by indigestible matter.
  • Extraluminal Causes – Blocks originating outside the colon, such as tumors or pelvic fractures. This is a much more life-threatening group.
  • Intrinsic Causes – This is used for a group of neuromuscular causes. These can be anything from nerve injury to various diseases.

If your dog is constipated, make sure to add fiber to your dog's diet and encourage them to drink plenty of water to make their poo smooth and moist.


Next on the list of causes is dehydration (which can be another cause of constipation).

Dehydration is when a dog forfeits more water than it drinks and it causes the body not to function properly.

There are plenty of signs of dehydration in dogs.

A few of these are lethargy, dry mouth, and tongue, sunken eyes, and dry or powdery stools.

The cause of dehydration can be a lot of reasons. This includes sickness, excessive urination, excessive exercise, vomiting, and too much exposure to heat.

As dog owners, we must make sure that our dogs are given and drinking water daily.

Dry Dog poop

Blockage in the Intestines

Dogs are curious creatures and sometimes they'll swallow large or inedible objects (garbage, hair, roach baits, or pacifiers) that can cause Bowel Obstruction.

Bowel obstruction is a blockage in the intestines that stops the passage of food and feces.

And when this happens, it can be the cause of dry powdery stools in dogs.

Bowel obstruction can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.

For instance, food and water will not pass through the gastrointestinal tract and this can be fatal due to intestinal blockage.

Excessive Self-Grooming

Another thing that can cause dry and crumbly poo is when a dog excessively grooms itself causing it to have too much hair in its stool.

Swallowing lots of hair can cause dry and crumbly stools in dogs.

If you notice that your pup is grooming regularly, try to bathe him every once in a while to help reduce itching and keep their body clean.

Also, it can reduce his self-grooming habit which causes dry dog poop.

Lack of Exercise

If you're a dog owner, you know that exercise is crucial for a dog's overall health.

Exercise in humans and dogs helps the blood pumping and the GI tract move.

If a dog is not moving and not drinking enough water, it can result in dry and crumbly poop.

Regular activity or exercise helps the insides healthy, allowing poop to get out easily.

If a dog is forced to poop too much for too long when the stool is dry and crumbly, it can develop prolapse.

Prolapse is a health condition where the rectum pops out, and we don't want that.


Believe it or not, stress can lead to a lot of physical problems in dogs. This includes dry, powdery poop.

The hesitation to defecate in dogs is usually due to fear or anxiety from past stressful events.

The reluctance to defecate can also happen for dogs that are kept in cages where there is not enough space to move around and poop.

When this happens, dogs will try to fight off their natural urge to poop.

Then the stool will just stay there getting drier and powdery as time pass.


When a dog gets sick, of course, it'll be prescribed medication to help relieve pain or symptoms for various conditions.

Unfortunately, constipation is a common side effect of a lot of medications. Causing your pup pain, stress, dry stools, and more.

A few examples of medication that can cause constipation are Corticosteroids, Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), and Iron supplements.

These medications can slow down the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract.

yellow dog poop labrador

When Should I Take My Dog to the Vet?

If you keep noticing that your dog is having dry stools for a few days now, it is best advised to consult with your vet to help determine any other underlying health issues that can cause this problem.

As we've discussed above, dry stools can be caused by multiple health problems like constipation, dehydration, bowel obstruction, and more.

Your vet will also be the one to determine the proper treatment that will depend on the cause of the issue.

Schedule an appointment with your vet and take a sample of your dog's poop with you.

From there, your vet will perform a fecal examination to determine the main cause of your dog's ailment.

Dry Dog Poop: Frequently Asked Questions 

Does dog diarrhea dry up?

Yes, but it depends. It'll depend if your dog is overall healthy and has a strong immune system.

If he does, diarrhea should be done in 2 or 3 days.

If you've noticed that there are no changes after 2 to 3 days, it's best recommended to contact your vet for further examinations.

Does water help a dog poop?

Yes, hydration can indeed help and be great for their digestive system, especially if a dog is constipated.

That's why dogs must drink more water.

You can also add a bit of chicken broth to make it more attractive to dogs that are not fond of drinking their water.

If a dog is dehydrated, you can also ask your vet for electrolyte supplements that can help maintain hydration.

You can buy these from pet pharmacies and supplement stores.

How do I know if my dog has bowel problems?

A few symptoms of bowel problems or digestive system illnesses can be:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Bloating
  • Dehydration

Dry Dog Poop and Crumbly

Let's Wrap Up This Dry Dog Poop Problem

If you've noticed dry dog poop when you're cleaning or have been asking why is your dog poop crumbly, there are a few reasons behind it.

A dog's poo can be a good indicator of its overall health. For instance, if you've noticed that your dog's poop is watery, it can be a sign of diarrhea.

On the other hand, dry, crumbly, or powdery poop can be caused by various reasons. One of the primary causes of dry dog poop is constipation.

Other causes include dehydration, blockage in the intestines, excessive self-grooming, lack of exercise, stress, and medication.

If your dog is struggling to go or has still dry stools after 2 to 3 days, it is best to contact your vet for further tests.

This way, you can finally know the correct root of the problem and the vet can decide what the proper treatment is.

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Toby loves spending time with his dog and two cats. They are the best stress reliever and affectionate pets, especially his Belgian Malinois, Shawie. Shawie's favorite activity is running or jogging. But their go-to spot is to chill and swim around a nearby river.