– Scabs on dogs can be caused by allergies, bacterial infections, external parasites, fungal infections, hormonal imbalances, immune disorders, nutritional issues, and yeast infections.
– Treatments for scabs on dogs include using anti-bacterial or anti-fungal shampoos and ointments, keeping your dog, home, and yard clean, and brushing your dog daily.
– It's important to address any skin issues your dog is experiencing and have a licensed veterinarian conduct tests to determine the underlying cause of the scabs.
Table of Contents
- Crusty Scabs on Dogs? Here are the Possible Reasons
- Treatment Options for Crusty Scabs on Dogs
- 1. Use Anti-bacterial or Anti-fungal Dog Shampoos and Ointments
- 2. Keep Your Dog, Home, and Yard Clean
- 3. Brush Your Dog's Fur Daily
- 4. Use Fish Oil
- 5. Flea and Tick Collars, Topical Treatments
- 6. Keep Them on a High-Quality, Balanced Diet
- 7. Use Only Safe, High-quality grooming Products
- 8. Try Some OTC Medication
- 9. …Or Veterinarian Prescribed Medication For The Crusty Scabs on Dog's Back
- Other Common Skin Problems in Dogs and What to Look for
- Quick FAQs When You See Crusty Scabs on Dog's Back
- Why You Should Trust Top Dog Tips
Discovering random scabs on dogs can be upsetting, especially if you do not know what caused or how to treat them.
I personally had a bad experience with scabs.
My dog, Belle, a mutt, loves to play outside with her sister. Usually, she has a beautiful black coat that looks like this:
Then, one day, she had this mysterious red scab on her back that looked like she had been biting at it.
The hair around it had fallen off. What's weird was there were no other scabs except for that one spot.
Turns out, it was a fungal infection.
Fortunately, with one of the methods we'll talk about later, I got her scab to heal completely.
A wide variety of conditions can cause crusty scabs on a dog's skin, and I'll cover the eight most common ones that could be the culprits and what to do about them.
We've enlisted the help of our resident vet expert, Dr. Myles Rowley, DVM, to review and fact-check the information in this article.
We have also featured advice and quotes from other professionals related to skin problems like scabs on dogs' backs.
If you're looking for specific information about this condition, you can click the links below for faster navigation:
- Reasons why there are crusty scabs on your dog's back
- Treatment options for dog scabs, both at home or vet-prescribed
- Other skin problems and how to spot them
- Other questions pet owners ask about crusty scabs on dogs
Let's get started!
Crusty Scabs on Dogs? Here are the Possible Reasons
Scabs on dogs' backs are common. I can say that from my personal experience and from what our vet has told me.
And they are typically easy to treat, too!
But before we go into the treatment, knowing the cause first and foremost is important.
Here's the first common reason why your dog might have scabs on his back:
1. Allergic Dermatitis
You probably know by now that allergies are pretty common among dogs, whatever their sizes or breeds are.
Allergies occur when your dog's immune system overreacts to certain triggers that are normally harmless.
When your dog's skin becomes inflamed and irritated due to an allergic reaction, that's where allergic dermatitis happens.
Because it's so itchy and poor Fido can't even complain, they can only scratch or bite at the affected area, causing scabs to form.
“Allergies, if left untreated or unmanaged, can cause continued discomfort in your pet,” said Dr. Alison Diesel, a clinical professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences.
“Self-trauma to the skin can create wounds that can become secondarily infected,” Diesel added.
The scabs that you would see from scratching and biting may be dry and crusty and may be accompanied by redness, swelling, and hair loss.
Allergic dermatitis can be caused by a variety of allergens, including environmental allergens such as pollen, mold, or dust mites, as well as food allergies.
Luckily, Belle doesn't have allergies. But her sister, Sasha, my dog's dad, had pollen allergies.
In some cases, the allergen may be difficult to identify, making diagnosis and treatment more challenging.
We have in-depth articles about dog allergies, which you can read through the following links:
- Most Common Allergies In Dogs
- 13 Most Common Signs of Allergies in Dogs
- How To Treat Dog Allergies At Home
- Dog Food Allergies: What They Are and How To Feed Your Dog
- 12 Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Dogs with Allergies
2. Bacterial Infection
If you've got a clumsy dog who always gets scratches or wounds from anywhere, be careful not to let that turn into a bacterial infection.
And yes, that sounds as bad as it will look—from the inflammation until it forms into scabs.
A bacterial infection can cause scabs on dogs by triggering an inflammatory response in the skin.
The scabs may be dry and crusty and may be accompanied by redness, swelling, and discharge.
Common bacterial infections that can cause scabs on dogs include Pyoderma, caused by Staphylococcus bacteria, and hot spots when Fido's saliva becomes a breeding ground of bacteria as they excessively lick an open wound or scratch on an itchy skin.
How would you stop it?
Dr. Diesel advised breaking the itch-scratch cycle and keeping Fido from traumatizing the wound further.
“This may involve a combination of anti-inflammatory medications, topical antiseptics, and a local treatment for the wound. In addition, some sort of mechanical barrier, such as an e-collar or T-shirt, can help stop the pet from causing a deeper infection,” Dr. Diesel said.
3. External Parasites
I'm sure you've been bitten by mosquitoes at some point in your life. Itchy and very irritating, right?
The same goes for our dogs. When an external parasite bites, burrows, or feeds on its skin, it might scratch or bite at the affected area to relieve the itchiness.
And yes, scratching and biting may lead to hair loss, secondary infections, and, later on, scabs.
As a pet owner, and I'm sure you'd agree on this, among the things I hate the most are fleas, ticks, and mites taking advantage of my poor, sweet Belle.
Unfortunately, they're also the most common external parasites in canines.
Let's discuss them briefly below:
Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the dog's blood. The flea bites can cause intense itching, and the dog may scratch or bite at the affected area, leading to scabs and hair loss.
Severe cases of flea infestation can cause excessive blood loss, resulting in anemia, and can also lead to other parasites in a dog, such as tapeworms.
I've discussed in the “What to Do” section below about flea prevention and control.
Ticks also feed on our dogs' blood, causing skin irritation, itchiness, sores, and eventual scabs.
You can use a tweezer when removing this, but be careful not to pull too hard, as its head can become stuck in your dog and might cause more infection.
Mites, on the other hand, burrow into the dog's skin to also feed on their blood and cause mange.
In worst cases, a dog can lose all or most of their hair and be covered in large amounts of crusty scabs.
Common examples of this parasite are Demodex mites and scabies mites.
RELATED: 9 Natural Home Remedies for Dog's Fleas and Ticks
4. Fungal Infection
Whatever's causing our dogs to itch excessively is a potential root cause of scabbing on their skins later on.
Like fungal infections.
The most common fungal infection in dogs, especially among puppies, is ringworms.
This is caused by fungus frequently found in soil and can result in scabs, red and irritated skin, bumps, scaly skin, itchiness, and hair loss.
And beware: this is highly contagious among animals and humans, as confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Many different kinds of animals can transmit ringworm[s] to people. Dogs and cats, especially kittens or puppies, can have ringworm[s] that can be passed to people. Cows, goats, pigs, and horses can also pass ringworm[s] to people. (Source)
5. Hormonal Imbalance
Hormones play an important role in regulating the dog's skin health, and imbalances can lead to a range of skin issues.
Sometimes, suddenly seeing a scab on a dog's back might be the initial stages and signs of Cushing’s Disease, hypothyroidism, and/or tumors.
Hypothyroidism occurs when the dog's thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone.
This can lead to a range of skin problems, including dry, scaly skin, hair loss, and scabs. The dog may scratch or bite at the affected area, leading to further irritation and scabbing.
Cushing's disease, on the other hand, occurs when the dog's adrenal glands are producing too much cortisol.
This can lead to a range of skin problems, including thinning skin, hair loss, and scabs. The dog may also be more prone to infections, which can also cause more scabbing.
Hold up. I thought the causes of the scabs were treatable. Are these treatable?
Well, there are ways to keep your dog's hormone levels at a manageable level.
Just talk to your vet if you feel like your dog's scabbing is out of an ordinary wound that has hardened.
Your vet will prescribe your dog medications for hormones and symptom management.
6. Immune and Auto-immune disorders
If your dog is suffering from any autoimmune or immune-suppressing syndromes or disorders, they can also develop skin conditions that lead to sores and scabs on their skin.
Allergic dermatitis, which we have discussed in the beginning, is one example of this.
Another one you may have heard of is pemphigus.
Pemphigus is a group of autoimmune skin diseases where our dog's immune system attacks the skin cells, leading to blistering, crusting, and scabbing. The scabs may be dry and crusty, accompanied by redness, swelling, and hair loss.
If your vet has told you from the get-go that your Fido has this disorder, you might have been expecting scabbing here and there already.
But if this is the first time you hear it, then it's best to reach out to your vet and seek treatment.
And… not that I'm scaring you, but these skin conditions are among the most serious and can result in death.
7. Nutritional Issue
This is the simplest to solve, yet another common reason why dogs get scabs on their backs.
Lacking proper minerals and vitamins in their diet can cause Fido to develop skin irritation, rashes, and itchiness, which, of course, when scratched, will develop into sores and scabs on your dog’s skin if not treated.
This is because dogs need specific nutrients in certain amounts to keep their skin properly hydrated, which keeps it moist, moisturized, and glossy.
When a dog’s skin is properly balanced and moisturized, this provides an extra layer of defense against parasites, which can attach and latch onto a dog’s skin easily.
It also protects the skin from being scratched or torn open by environmental elements, which happens much more easily when it is dry and flaky.
If you're interested in keeping your pup's skin healthy and shiny (of course, you are), you can check out our recommended articles below!
8. Yeast Infection
This is a fairly common type of skin infection in dogs.
Some yeast on a dog’s skin is normal and even necessary.
The problem occurs when the dog develops an excessive amount of yeast.
It begins to build up in warm, moist places on the dog's body.
This environment creates irritated, itchy, and discolored skin.
Then, your dog will lick, chew, and scratch their skin incessantly to try to relieve their discomfort, which causes the scabs.
A further complication can arise when the scratching and chewing cause open wounds on the dog’s skin.
That bacteria then enters and creates a whole host of new and serious side effects you must treat.
RELATED: 9 Common Skin Problems in Dogs (How to Prevent and Treat Them)
Treatment Options for Crusty Scabs on Dogs
Now that you have made it this far, I want to go through some treatment options I promised you.
Most of these will resolve your dog's minor skin and scab problems unless there is something more serious going on.
These are some of the options our vet advised for my Belle, as well as some stuff other pet owners swear by.
1. Use Anti-bacterial or Anti-fungal Dog Shampoos and Ointments
Oh, you'd be happy how many shampoos and ointments are available that cater to dogs with bacterial or fungal infections.
And a lot of them are over-the-counter (OTC), too!
If it's your first time trying anti-bacterial/anti-fungal shampoos and ointments for your pups, the best place to ask for recommendations would be at your vet's office, of course.
There are a lot of reading materials online, too, so you can do complete research about which shampoo or ointment is most effective for the specific condition your dog has.
Just make sure to follow the instructions!
You can find OTC medicated shampoos to treat a wide variety of skin disorders in dogs that are caused by fleas, mites, lice, general allergies, and more.
2. Keep Your Dog, Home, and Yard Clean
Keeping your dog, home, and yard clean and pest-free is vital.
Managing these three can completely prevent your dog from developing painful and potentially dangerous skin disorders.
This is especially true for external parasites and bacterial infections.
Here are some QUICK TIPS on how to do that:
a) Pick up and properly dispose of feces in your yard, and anywhere your dog plays multiple times each day, once at the bare minimum;
b) Bathe your dog as often as needed, but at least once every couple of weeks or once a month, at minimum.
But if they have been to somewhere dirty or known to be frequented by parasites or sick animals, bathe them immediately.
c) Wash all of your dog’s bedding at least once a week and more often as needed;
d) Wash your bedding and clean all furniture, carpets, rugs, and flooring in your home at least once a week and more often as needed.
3. Brush Your Dog's Fur Daily
While bathing a dog is not recommended daily, brushing your dog's fur can and should be done every single day.
This helps keep their skin and coat healthy and disease and disorder-free. Plus, it's also a great bonding time for you both!
The simple act of brushing a dog does much more than you think.
Brushing removes dirt, dandruff, bacteria, and any foreign objects or parasites that could irritate a dog’s skin from their body.
It also detangles its coat, loosens and eliminates dead hair, and prevents the pores from becoming clogged and infected.
Lastly and most importantly, brushing your dog's fur can also help stimulate their oil glands and equally distribute all of those natural protective oils, which are essential to their overall skin health.
A good brushing doesn’t have to take a lot of time. Even five minutes a day will do.
4. Use Fish Oil
Essential fatty acids are essential to the health of a dog’s skin and coat, and not all dogs get enough of this vital nutrient in their diet, which can lead to skin disorders.
Give your dog fish oil capsules once daily with a meal, or add fish oil liquid to your dog's food to remedy this issue.
You should also consult your vet about how to add this wonder oil to your dog's diet properly.
You can read more about this topic in the following peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of Nutrition.
The study showed clear benefits of high doses of essential fatty acids in a dog’s diet to the dog’s overall skin and coat health.
5. Flea and Tick Collars, Topical Treatments
A lot of pet product companies make a wide variety of flea and tick collars, as well as topical and oral treatments that work to keep fleas and ticks off of your dog.
For us, I always make Belle wear collars, especially in summer when fleas and ticks seem to be everywhere.
That's apart from her monthly fleas and tick meds, of course.
But with anything you use on your dog, it is important to thoroughly research the product, its ingredients, effectiveness, potential side effects, and customer reviews first before purchasing and using it on your dog.
6. Keep Them on a High-Quality, Balanced Diet
As we've explained earlier, nutrition also plays a big role in preventing our dogs from getting all crusty due to scabs.
A diet that lacks essential vitamins and nutrients can dry out a dog’s skin, causing them to scratch or bite on the dry, itchy skin until an open wound appears.
This opening is prone to parasitic, bacterial, and fungal infections and more.
Some foods (like these brands) are specifically balanced for better skin and coat conditions in dogs.
Or here's a thought… why not do a 1`home-cooked meal for them if you have the time, right?
Here are a couple of recipes my colleague Samantha did meant for skin and coat health:
- Recipe: Salmon Dog Food for Skin and Coat Health
- 12 Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Dogs with Allergies
- 13 Balanced Homemade Dog Food Recipes
7. Use Only Safe, High-quality grooming Products
Sure, a two-dollar dog shampoo might seem like a great deal. But there certainly are reasons why a product is much less expensive than its counterparts.
It is often made with cheaper, chemical-ridden, irritating, and even harmful ingredients and chemicals.
To save yourself the stress and hassle of dealing with a skin condition, research before purchasing any grooming product for your dog.
Here's an article written by one of our resident vet experts Dr. Deborah Shores, DVM, about her recommended grooming products for dogs.
8. Try Some OTC Medication
Benadryl, the same allergy medication humans take to help control their allergies, can also be given to a dog for the same purpose.
It also works wonders for pups who are having sleep issues due to their itchiness.
The general dosage for giving dogs Benadryl is about 1mg per pound of their body weight.
Never give a dog more than two doses of 50 mg of Benadryl in a 24-hour period on your own. Consult your dog's vet for the proper frequency.
9. …Or Veterinarian Prescribed Medication For The Crusty Scabs on Dog's Back
If all those OTCs, grooming products, and recipes didn't work, I'm sure this last one will.
Your vet can prescribe various prescription-strength oral medications, medicated shampoos, and ointments.
You normally can't buy these things over-the-counter without your doctor's signed prescription.
Your vet may also do a couple of diagnostic tests on your doing to determine the exact cause of your dog's scabbing.
Some of the tests might include:
- allergy testing
- bacterial culture
- cytology
- fungal culture
- physical exam
- skin biopsy
- skin scraping
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Other Common Skin Problems in Dogs and What to Look for
Our list above didn't cover every possible cause of scabs on your dog's back.
But here are a couple more that might be causing it:
- Alopecia or shedding can be due to illness, poor nutrition, or stress.
- Acral lick granuloma or dermatitis happens if your dog licks the same area repeatedly.
- Changes to color or texture can indicate a hormone or metabolic issue.
- Hot spots are small parts of the skin that are inflamed, irritated, and red.
- Impetigo is a bacterial infection, and it mostly affects puppies. Pups with this condition may develop pus-filled blisters. Those blisters can break before crusting over.
- Skin tumors: Your dog’s vet will need a biopsy to confirm it is not cancerous.
Of course, you should verify with your vet if one of these might be the culprit.
What to Look for to Spot Skin Problems
You already know that if your dog has crusty scabs on his back, he has a skin problem.
It would help if you also were looking for other signs that indicate something is wrong.
Here's what to look for to spot potential skin problems in dogs:
- Lesions
- Inflammation
- Discoloration
- Redness
- Rashes
- Bald patches
- Flakiness or dryness
- Lumps or swelling
If and when you observe any of these signs along with the scabbing, you should report them to your vet.
Whatever information you can give them is important for a quick, accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Quick FAQs When You See Crusty Scabs on Dog's Back
If you don’t have time to skim this entire article, these FAQs may have the necessary answers.
How Do I Treat Crusty Scabs on Dog's Back?
Don’t wipe crusty scabs, as this will not make them better.
Instead, soften them using either water or something like coconut oil.
This should help them flake off. If the crusty scabs are bad or don’t disappear easily, consult your pooch’s vet.
Why Does My Dog Have Dry Skin and Scabs?
There are plenty of reasons your dog may have dry skin and scabs.
Some common issues include mange-causing parasites or lice.
When in doubt, always consult your vet.
What Does Folliculitis Look Like on Dogs?
When your dog has folliculitis, you will notice at least one lesion on his body. At first, it may just look like a slightly raised area or even appear similar to acne.
Over time, the affected area can rise and turn into a pus-filled pustule.
What Does Seborrhea Look Like on a Dog?
Seborrhea tends to affect the parts of your dog’s skin with many sebaceous glands.
It most commonly affects the skin on the back. When your dog has seborrhea, you will spot dandruff or white flakes coming off your pooch’s skin.
You may also notice an unusual smell.
Can I Put Neosporin on My Dog’s Scab?
If my dog has crusty scabs on his back, the application of Neosporin can help. However, use it for extremely minor scabs, cuts, or scrapes.
Using Neosporin can help stop bacterial infections, just like it does in humans.
Additionally, your pup likely won’t appreciate the taste of the Neosporin, so you should prevent him from licking, biting, or scratching the scab.
Any of those actions would make it worse. The only caveat is to ensure your pooch doesn’t lick it off.
Why You Should Trust Top Dog Tips
Well, as dog owners, we also want to know as much as possible and find “the truth” out there in dog ownership.
We want to clear the fog that surrounds certain topics like nutrition, dog care, dog health, and more.
So we went ahead and brought aboard not only long-time dog owners but Veterinarians onto our website.
For each article we publish, we want to ensure the information is accurate and vetted by real veterinarians.
Related Articles:
- 9 Ways to Improve Your Dog’s Skin and Coat Health
- Hot Spots on Dogs: Cause, Symptoms, and How To Treat It
- Coconut Oil for Dog Skin: Apply & Cure Skin Problems (Based on Studies)
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