Five angry dogs in Preston, Lancashire mauled and tore off a man's ears last April 2023.
The victim, 23-year-old singer Henry Sherridan, said he held a smoke before the dogs started to pounce him.

“I went through the gate to the patio, I normally let them out and stroke them but I sat down smoking a fag (cigarette).”
The victim claims that the bullmastiffs were already “riled up” after hearing some shouting at a neighbor.
“They're big dogs, they jump up and want attention. They knocked the fag out of my hand so I stood up and shouted.”
The shout was the trigger that finally angered the dogs to leap and attack him.
In Henry's words, “They pushed me to the floor and started eating me. It was pretty horrific. It was like people throwing knives at me.”

“I was screaming in pain. It didn't knock me out and I felt every bite,” Henry continues.
It wasn't until his friend, the owner of the dog, jumped on top of him and screamed at the dogs to make them scamper away.
Henry puts it: “My friend saved my life 110 percent. He's the only reason I'm here. If there was no intervention, they would have savaged me in less than a minute.”
An ambulance rushed Mr. Sherridan to the hospital where the serious wounds were immediately disinfected and treated.

Henry sustained almost 50 wounds during the attack, deep cuts in his thighs, near-fatal bites in the neck, five lacerations in the head, ripped Achillies' heels, and open wounds in the arms.
Some wounds in the left leg are so severe that he needed two skin graft surgeries to patch them.
He also lost 90% of his left ear and 85% of his right ear after the dog attack, so he needed to wait for 18 months to get his prosthetic ears.
“As soon as they changed my bandage, I got my mate to take a photo and show me, it took my breath away for ten minutes,” Henry jokingly said.
“I've got to walk around with a beanie in sweltering heat if I don't want to make kids cry.”
But despite the damages inflicted on him, He only blames him for the incident.
“I've known them since they were 13 weeks old. They love me.”
“It's my fault, I shouted at them,” he said.
“I could have been a robber. It's mum and dad and children so they're a pack.”
Lancashire Police also confirmed their response to the dog attack incident with their spokesperson stating, “The incident was thoroughly investigated, and we are satisfied that this is a civil matter and no criminal offense has taken place.”
“A Community Protection Notice has been put in place with regards to the dogs,” the spokesperson added.
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