Have you ever really thought about what your dog does all day? For most dog-owning families the answer is probably the same. The family dog sits home alone for a majority of the day waiting for the parents to come home from work or the kids to get off the school bus. He probably spends most of his time lazing around the house, and he’s probably bored.
I know that everyone needs to work. After all, money doesn’t grow on trees, but how much better would your pup’s quality of life be if you took him on an adventure when you had the chance? Loki, a wolf/dog hybrid, has been given that opportunity by his owner and it has strengthened the bond between the pair.

The three-year-old pooch from Denver, Colorado has been to most places in his home state as well as California, Wyoming and Utah with his owner Kelly Lund. The trips they’ve taken have scored a lot of attention on the internet thanks to the amazing photos that Lund takes of their adventures. The pair enjoys skiing, hiking and camping.
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Lund, a 29-year-old outdoors recreation coordinator, says:
“I decided that I wanted to take him to as many places as I can, immediately. He loves traveling and seeing/smelling new places.”
Lund brought Loki home 3 years ago in December of 2012. He says he never worries about Loki wandering away during their adventures, and the dog is very calm during their long car rides. He says his goal is to use digital platforms to show others how enjoyable it can be to travel with pets. He is hoping that it will inspire more people to bring their pets outdoors and explore the world together.

According to dogfriendly.com, dogs are the most common type of pet to take traveling, and the percentage of people traveling with their pets increases in the summer months when more families travel for vacation. Automobile transportation is the primary mode of transportation for people adventuring with their pets, followed by RV and then airline.
We enjoy bringing our dogs along on our adventures, although they aren’t quite as exciting of some of Loki’s escapades. Your dog has no control over his quality of life. It’s up to you to make his life the best it can possibly be. Just because you work 5 days a week doesn’t mean you can’t take your Fido along for an adventure on the weekend.

The great thing about dogs is that they won’t complain about the places you bring them or insist on putting in their two cents in about where you should go. You can take your dog anywhere you want and he’ll be happy and excited for the trip. Exploring with your dog will not only increase his quality of life, but it will foster the bond that the two of you have as well.
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Your dog feels at home in nature, and sharing that experience with you will be a treat for him. Not to mention, the exercise that you’ll both be getting is a big bonus as well. No matter what state you live in, there is a national park, city forest or public hiking trail that is pet-friendly. With a quick internet search you’ll be able to find a list of fun dog-approved adventures in no time.
Imagine what would happen if we all took photos of our pet-friendly adventures and shared them on social media. It wouldn’t take long for the trend to take off, and before long pet parents around the world would see the joy that traveling with your pet can bring. Get up, get out, and enjoy the outdoors with your furry friend. You’ll be happier and healthier if you do!