Samantha Randall
Recipe: Coconut and Cranberry Dog Treats
Cranberries and coconut are both superfoods for dogs. These coconut and cranberry dog treats are an easy way to add some extra nutrients to your pets diet. Cranberries are high in fiber and antioxidants, which help prevent disease and boost your dog's immune system. Adding cranberries to your dog's diet can also help if he is having urinary tract issues.
Cinnamon Banana Dog Treat Recipe
Cinnamon is often added to human food recipes to jazz up the flavor and add some additional nutrients. This cinnamon banana dog treat recipe can do the same for your pet! Cinnamon has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. If your dog is older or overweight, adding cinnamon to his diet has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
Why Do Dogs Smell Each Other’s Butts?
This is a question that I am asked frequently by readers as well as other dog owners that I know. Why do dogs smell each other’s butts? It seems strange to us, but dogs can actually gain a lot of information about each other by sniffing another dog’s rear end or genital area.
Recipe: Homemade Dog Food for Ear Infections
Ear infections in dogs are a common problem, and some dogs get them more than others. Homemade dog food for ear infections are also known as yeast starvation recipes, and they help to reduce one of the most common causes of ear infections in dogs.
Why Do Cats Knead?
If you’re a cat owner, there is a good chance you’re familiar with kneading. This annoying - and sometimes painful - behavior leads owners to wonder why do cats knead? If you don’t know what kneading is, think of what it means to knead bread. The cat will push and pull each front paw, usually alternating one paw to the next. While they are pushing their paw down, their claws will usually extend. This is the painful part that I mentioned before. As they pull their paw back, the claws will retract.
Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?
It seems like every time I look at my cats, they are sleeping. Throughout the day, they all seem to spend the majority of their time sleeping. Why do cats sleep so much? My cats are all between 8-12 years old. I know this has something to do with why they sleep more now than they did a few years ago. The other day I was wondering about why cats sleep so much. Humans are bigger and much more active than cats. So why do they sleep so much more than us?
Why Do Dogs Sleep So Much?
Every time I look at my dogs, at least one of them is sleeping. Throughout the day, they all seem to spend the majority of their time sleeping. Why do dogs sleep so much? My dogs are all between 8-10 years old. I know this has something to do with why they sleep more now than they did a few years ago. The other day I got to wondering about why dogs sleep so much. Humans are bigger and much more active than dogs. So why do they sleep so much more than us?
Why Does My Dog Smell Bad? 12 Possible Reasons
Personally, I love the way my dogs smell…most of the time. A “normal” smelling dog is comforting to me, but when they stink, it can be awful. This leaves owners begging the question, why does my dog smell bad? Remember that all dogs have unique aromas, and some breeds are smellier than others. Your dog’s unique smell comes from the oil on his skin.
Review: Pawsincar 3-in-1 Pet Carrier, Car Seat and Bed
There are hundreds of pet carriers on the market, but not many are as versatile as this 3-in-1 carrier from pawsincar. It is a purse style pet carrier that can also be used as a pet car seat or a travel bed. There are many factors to consider when choosing the best carrier for your pet. Size, of course, is one of the most important factors.
Why Do Dogs Smell Your Crotch?
There have been many occasions when I have been embarrassed by my dog smelling someone’s crotch. It seems odd to us, but the answer to why do dogs smell your crotch is actually not as odd as you may think.
Can You Put Antibiotic Ointment On A Dog?
If you get a small cut or scrape, you probably know how to clean it out and bandage it on your own. Cleaning cuts and scrapes on dogs is very similar, but it leaves many pet owners wondering can you put antibiotic ointment on a dog?
Dog Food Recipe for Senior Dogs
You may think that selecting a commercial dog food that is labeled as a 'senior' dog food will be good enough for your aging pet. These types of dog food recipe for senior dogs are formulated for the "average" senior dog, and don't have your pet's unique needs in mind.