This video, which you can see at the bottom of this article, has gone absolutely viral because of it’s incredibly powerful images of dogs playing fetch in wheelchairs. All of the dogs in this heartwarming video had spinal injuries. They have been fashioned with wheelchairs by loving humans so they can play again.
These dogs were unable to walk because of paralysis, and now they can again feel the wind at their ears as they chase after other dogs, sticks or balls. As humans, we are here to take care of each other and the animals. They give to us in return too.
When we need someone to cheer us up or love on us, they are there to make us chuckle at their silly antics or give us a slobbery kiss. We can’t forget the dogs that are neglected in our society.
Some of us don’t have the ability to offer money or a home for disabled dogs, but we can raise awareness about amazing organizations so other people can either volunteer, donate or adopt.
RELATED: Making Life Easier for a Disabled Dog
Social media is allowing good ideas, like these wheelchairs for dogs, to spread. In this video you'll see that all the dogs can again play and have an opportunity to run around with the pack. Pet care has come a long way, and if you have a dog whose back legs give out because of arthritis or hip dysplasia, you may want to consider one of these handy contraptions.
Your dog will adjust to using it and be able to function with much less pain. Talk to your vet about this if you feel your dog could benefit from a canine wheelchair. They can be custom made to meet your dog's individual needs.
This video reminds us that we are not on this planet alone. There is always someone we can help whether it’s a human or an animal. If you’re looking for a productive hobby, maybe start making some wheelchairs for dogs and donate them to your local animal rescue facility or pet clinic.
You can find some great DIY dog wheelchair patterns online. Here are some examples:
Remember, when we think of the community, we must consider everyone in it including the animals. As we envision our communities thriving, let’s also make sure we are thinking about the little furry ones that are always there to greet us with a smile when we get home from a long day and are often the only friend who will snuggle with you everyday above all else.
These canine wheelchairs can potentially elongate a dog’s life because instead of having to be immobile and lose muscle mass, experience depression, gain weight and other issues, they will get plenty of exercise and still have social interaction. Your dog will feel as if he has use of his legs and won’t be slowed down any longer.
These wheelchairs are just now becoming the norm, and many people are just seeing them for the first time. The more this video is shared, the more dogs will be helped. Also their owners will again be motivated to get outside and exercise with them, so it will help twofold. It’s videos like this that are actually worth watching that add real value to our lives.