
All pet parents want the best for their dogs. Top Dog Tips’ dog experts provide the best, most accurate and easily understandable, actionable tips on dog ownership, using all types of dog products, dog health advice, dog nutrition information and other pet information that’s essential for dog owners to know.

How To Groom a Shih Tzu At Home Featured Image

How To Groom A Shih Tzu At Home: Shih Tzu Grooming Guide

Do you own a Shih Tzu? Or are you planning to adopt one? Well, you should know that grooming is one of the most crucial...
Eww! Dog Breath! 7 Easy Home Remedies

Eww! Dog Breath! 7 Easy Home Remedies

Every pet owner has gotten a face full of stinky dog breath from time to time. We love our pups, but that breath can make you gag! These easy home remedies for bad dog breath are simple and cheap.
how to introduce your dog to a dog park

How to Introduce Your Dog to a Dog Park: The Complete Guide

Admit it. You probably considered taking your pet dog to a dog park visit at least once. Your initial thoughts about dog parks are pooches...
Can Dogs Eat Dragon Fruit Featured Image

Can Dogs Eat Dragon Fruit? 6 Possible Benefits For Dogs

Are you planning to add fruits to your dog's diet? Well, there are so many new and exotic fruits to choose from. For instance, there's...
How to Tire a Puppy Out Before Bed Featured Image

How to Tire a Puppy Out Before Bed: 5 Proven Tips!

Have you recently adopted a new puppy? Let me guess; you're here because that adorable puppy makes it impossible for you to have a...
Farm to Pet Turkey Chips

Review: Farm To Pet Turkey Chips

Now, more than ever, pet owners are looking for natural, high quality food and treats to feed their pets. Farm to Pet has a mission...
Double Coated Dogs and How to Groom Them

Double-Coated Dogs and How to Groom Them

One of the first breeds that come to mind when people hear about double-coated dogs is the Huskies. And while that’s a fitting response, not...
Dog Modeling and Dog Acting Guide

Dog Modeling and Acting: Beginner’s Guide

Could your dog be the next top dog model? If you have aspirations of your dog being the next Purina pup or the next spokes-dog...
How to Give a Puppy a Shot

How to Give a Puppy a Shot

Giving your dog vaccinations at home is more affordable than taking him to the vet, but you'll need to learn how to give a puppy a shot the proper way.
how to check a dog's pulse

How To Check A Dog’s Pulse

When you're first learning how to check your pet's pulse, do it several times. Take your dog's pulse when you return home from a walk, after a game of fetch, when he first wakes up in the morning and check it during periods of rest throughout the day. This will give you a good idea of your dog's resting and active heart rates.
how old is my dog

How Old Is My Dog? 5 Ways to Tell

It's not uncommon to ask "How old is my dog?" But, it is virtually impossible to get an exact answer to this question. Here are some tips to help you.
The Complete Guide to Different Types of Assistance Dogs

Different Types of Service Dogs And What They Do

For anyone looking into adopting an assistance animal to help with your day-to-day life, it's crucial to understand the differences between the various types of...


Why Do Dogs Shed So Much - Featured Image

Why Do Dogs Shed So Much?

There aren’t many downsides to being a dog owner, but some frustrated pet parents find themselves wondering why do dogs shed so much?
Popular Dog Names for Male and Female Pups and their Meaning

20 Most Popular Dog Names and Their Meaning

Naming a dog can be a challenge. Sometimes you choose a name based on the dogs breed or size. Sometimes you just choose one of the most popular dog names. Personally, I like to get to know my dogs before I name them. I spend a couple of days with the dog before choosing just the right name. Some people like to choose a name before they even bring their new pet home, and that's okay too!
How Long Does a Dog Rabies Vaccination Last? Featured Image

How Long Does a Dog Rabies Vaccination Last?

Rabies is one of the most serious diseases that can affect dogs, and vaccinations are the best way to protect them—and you—from this fatal...
20 Most Dangerous Dogs and Breeds That Are Known for Aggression

20 Most Dangerous Dogs in the World

As descendants of wolves, dogs are still left with a genetic trail where some can be more dangerous than others in specific situations. Dogs are...
Aspirin for Dogs: Can Dogs Have ASA? Featured Image

Aspirin for Dogs: Can Dogs Have ASA?

Your dog is limping, and you thought of aspirin for dogs. Can dogs have ASA for pain relief? Before you reach for that pill bottle,...
dog eats plastic

Your Dog Ate Plastic? Here’s 6 Steps You Must Do Immediately

KEY TAKEAWAYS: - Dogs can eat plastic because of several reasons, either medical or behavioral. - Dogs cannot digest plastic; either they vomit/poop it or they...
Cancer moles on dogs - as seen on a dog's belly

What Do Cancer Moles on Dogs Look Like?

If you’ve ever noticed a mole or lump on your dog, you’ve probably wondered, “Is this normal, or could it be cancerous?” It’s a question...
Most Popular Fighting Dog Breeds

15 Most Popular Fighting Dog Breeds

Dogfighting is a cruel animal blood sport where dogs are put on strict diets and training regimes, and the winning canine wins the owner's...
Dog Poop Color Chart

The Ultimate Dog Poop Color Chart (with 9 Pictures!)

KEY TAKEAWAYS: -  Poop color is a good indicator of any underlying health concerns your dog may have. - Your dog's diet, the presence of blood,...

Dog Anal Glands Problems: Signs, Causes, and Treatment

KEY TAKEAWAYS: -  Scooting, biting their rear, bad odor, visible swelling and discharge are some signs of anal glands problem in dogs. - Even as simple...