Almost 40 years ago Roger Mugford founded The Company of Animals as a way to sell his inventions. Dr. Mugford is now a world renowned animal psychologist. The goal of the company was, and still is, to develop and sell products that help pet owners enrich the lives of their beloved animal friends.
The company is located on a 100 acre working farm in Surrey, England. The site is also home to the Training and Behavior Center, which was founded by Dr. Mugford in 1979. It is regarded as one of the top animal training and behavior centers in the country. They specialize in all levels of dog training and offer consultations on veterinary referrals. The center even helps resolve legal issues involving pets.
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Having the Training and Behavior Center on site allows The Company of Animals a unique advantage that no other pet product company has; they are able to research and develop new products constantly to help resolve pet training and behavior problems. They also have the perfect base to test their new product designs.

The company doesn’t just design and sell their own products. They also import and distribute some of the top brands of pet products in the world. In fact, the company now offers over 40 different product ranges to their clients. Their most popular products include the HALTI Headcollar, the Anxiety Wrap, the Baskerville Muzzle, and their revolutionary Pet Corrector.
The HALTI Headcollar has a unique design that allows a dog owner to gently steer their dog’s head and control his direction of movement in the most humane way. It is a top training aid because it puts all the control in the dog owners’ hands. It is the best-selling headcollar in the world.
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The company’s Anxiety Wrap is an advanced design. It is the only anxiety wrap on the market with calming leg straps. Similarly, the patented design of the Bakersville Muzzle was created by Dr. Roger Mugford himself to not only prevent against biting and snapping, but also to be comfortable for the dog wearing it. Your dog can even receive treats while wearing it, which is crucial for behavior modification training.
The Company of Animals developed and sells one of the most popular training aids in England, The Pet Corrector. It works by emitting a strong hiss of compressed air to interrupt the dog’s unwanted behavior. Not only is it successful in England, but this product is used and recommended by professional dog trainers all over the world.