We have all heard of, read about and watched fearless dogs who risked their lives to save their owners or even unknown people from danger. While these tales are surely the most impressive, there are some amazing dog rescue stories that show how this loving human-canine bond goes both ways. Here we've chosen some of the most heartwarming examples of people doing extraordinary things for dogs.
Pastor Saves a Dog from a Frozen Pond
Risking your life for another human being is already brave enough but doing it for the neighbor’s pooch is a whole different level. This is exactly what Jeff Mann, a pastor from Marshfield, did when he noticed a dog in the middle of his frozen pond, as reported by the USA Today.
The unfortunate situation luckily had a happy ending with Mann being able to pull the dog out of the pond with a rope that he threw to him, which resulted in one of the most amazing dog rescue stories out there. Fortunately for Mann, and the dog, the pooch was smart enough to bite on the rope, otherwise the Pastor would have to think of another plan.
Here's the video:
Puppuccinos for Rescue Dogs
Sometimes a collective action means more than a single act of heroism, which is definitely true in this one warming piece of dog rescue stories. We know that rescue shelter dogs don’t live the happiest lives out there, at least not until they are adopted. However, one shelter, Kitsap Humane Society from Washington, truly goes the extra length to make their dogs feel welcomed during their time in the shelter, which is why it's not featured among the best dog rescue stories out there.
The result looks like this:

Every Tuesday, one of the shelter’s volunteers, Molly Clark, takes one of the canines to the nearby Starbucks for a cup of Puppuccino, which is basically a cappuccino for dogs. Changing the environment of the shelter is a great experience for dogs, and Molly always brings Puppuccinos for dogs that can’t leave the premises as well. And to help the shelter with finding homes for the dogs, the said Starbucks posts signs about the dog of the week.

For more amazing pictures like this, check out Kitsap Humane Society instagram account.

Boxing Match with a Kangaroo
Kangaroos, while cute and adorable, can also be dangerous. A punch from a kangaroo can cause serious damage, but a back-legged kick from a kangaroo while it stands on the tail can be fatal to any man or animal. Luckily for Greg Tonkins, a brave Australian man, the kangaroo that attacked his dog simply got confused after Greg punched him in the face to give his dog some space to get out of the kangaroo’s headlock.
As you can see below, the plan worked perfectly, and kangaroo’s confusion allowed Greg to tell his story afterwards. It's definitely not something you'd often put among your regular dog rescue stories.
Here's what it looked like:
Rescued from an Elevator
Sometimes, people are just in the right place at the right time. When that happens, we get amazing dog rescue stories like this one. Learning about good people, like a hotel manager named Ben Duke whose reflexes saved the life of a pooch named Boo Boo, and their actions are the type of dog rescue stories is what makes any day brighter.
What happened here is that the dog Boo Boo was late to go in the elevator with his owner and remained out with his leash caught in the elevator door. When the elevator started to go up, Duke saw the possible tragedy unfolding and tried to snap the leash with his hands. Fortunately for Boo Boo and his owner, he managed to do it just in time.
Watch this unfold:
When Toys Become Alive
Sometimes even a simple gesture can go a long way. So here is something a little different that involves Ben Mesches who decided to surprise his beloved dog Jolene and dress up as her favorite toy, Gumby. Maybe this is something that you can consider yourself to surprise your own pooch?
This deed certainly isn’t in the same category as other dog rescue stories of heroic acts that end up with saving a dog’s life, but it is an extraordinary action that brought a lot of joy to one dog and to everyone who saw the video since the reaction of the dog is exactly as you would expect – exuberating.
Take a look and try not to smile:
The Olympic Savior
Spreading awareness can come a long way in dealing with important issues, which is a lot more effective when you are a participant in the Winter Olympics who can reach millions of people. Gus Kenworthy deserves a mention on any dog rescue stories list, and here's why.
Gus is a freestyle skier from the USA who already adopted a couple of stray puppies during the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014, but he made headlines again during the Winter Olympics in South Korea this year when he rescued 90 dogs from a local dog meat factory.

The man adopted one dog at first, while the rest of them have been transported to the USA and Canada with assistance from the Humane Society International. This may be a drop in a bucket considering how bad the situation out there is (there are more than 2 million dogs on meat farms in South Korea), yet it is a great way to spread awareness about this issue, and we thank Gus for his extraordinary actions. Check out his instagram account here.

A Walk to Remember
Unfortunately, dogs do not live as long as humans do and the end always has to come. But when that time arrives you can do an extraordinary thing like Mark Woods did for his dog Walnut in order to give him a farewell he deserves, and deservedly secured a spot in this dog rescue stories ranking.

When Mark found out that Walnut has to be put down due to his deteriorating health, he decided to take him on one last walk. He also wanted the world to join him as he said goodbye to his pooch. And the world responded. After sharing his idea on Facebook, hundreds of people showed up on Port Beach to take a walk with Walnut and it was truly a sight to see.
Check this out:
Saved by a Stranger
When Sara Melnicoff went for a morning walk with her pooch Carli, she couldn’t anticipate that a stranger will end up saving her dog’s life. Carli fell in the dangerous waters of Mill Creek and when Sara noticed this, she started taking off her shoes to get in the water herself. However, a young man named Bobby L’Hereux was much faster, managing to quickly get out of his clothes and go into the water.
Thanks to Bobby's quick reaction, he was able to catch Carli downstream after making his way through slippery rocks and strong current, resulting in one of the most heartwarming dog rescue stories. Check out Sara Melnicoff's Facebook account for more pooch pics.

A Really Smart Boy
People aren't the only ones that should be featured amongst the greatest dog rescue stories. Sometimes institutions can also do extraordinary things for our furry companions, like the Johns Hopkins University who had one of the cutest graduates last year.
A service dog Kirsch was awarded an honorary degree after he attended all of the classes with his owner Carlos Mora, who got his Masters of Science in Counseling. The adorable pooch wore a cap and a gown to fit in with the rest of the graduates in a moment he shall remember for a long time.
They covered this news in more details on Rachel Ray Show: