Week 3 of The Weight Loss Journey:
Toby – Starting weight = 28lb | Current weight = 26lb10oz | Goal = 23lb | 4oz 2x’s per day jerky treat
Frankie – Starting weight = 48lb | Current weight = 43lb 10oz | Goal = 38lb | 8oz 2x’s per day jerky treat
Dr. Cimino's Point of View of The Weight Loss Journey
When the realization struck that Frankie and Toby needed to shed a few pounds, I had to release the grip of the combination of dog mom | veterinarian guilt I've held during the pandemic.
Some bad behaviors we had fallen into during these past two years required redirection.
Frankie and Toby needed equal parts nutrition and exercise to reach their goal weights.
Our rescued Australian Shepherd, Toby, doesn't have as much to lose. He is more amenable to changes in patterns, a pleaser for sure.
From an overall health standpoint, though, he does have valvular heart disease and luxating patellas (or, in lay terms, floating knee caps), both of which are less risky when his weight is at its prime.
Frankie is our family foodie, and food is her love language. But she has been programmed to equate food with love and reward since she was a puppy.
To this day, when she sees my husband or me make a trip to the restroom, she thinks it's Treat Time!
So, as you can imagine, as our alpha food lover, and with a bit of a steeper weight loss hill to climb, this journey is a bit more of a challenge for her.
Frankie's overall health foundation is solid. Even with her heart murmur, this weight loss will benefit her future health too.
As our dog's weight goalkeepers, it's wholly up to my husband and me to manage this weight loss program.
We are being precise with our measurements for meals by enlisting the help of a traditional digital kitchen food scale.
Toby receives 4oz of delicious Goodness Gracious human-grade food twice a day, and Frankie gets 8oz twice a day.
Also, each morning, we place a chicken jerky treat on the counter and break off small bits for them to enjoy throughout the day.
Pro tip: we all tend to over-treat our pets. The reality is a small tic-tac-sized portion coupled with an affectionate rub and a kind word that goes just as far as the whole cookie. I promise.
Frankie's Point of View the Weight Loss Journey 
I have noticed things have changed around here. While I'm not trying to be ungrateful for what I have, I love my family. A girl needs her snacks, right?!
It wasn't that long ago that my whole family was together all the time. I could walk up to the treat cabinet, and if I stared long enough, it would open, and BAM!
A treat in my mouth! Toby benefitted too, you know, so I'm not sure why he seems so chill these days.
I will tell you, though, that my treat itch has been scratched a little, it turns out my Dad takes his treats in his office, and he doesn't permanently close his door.
His trash is at mouth level – so, what's a girl to do!! I tipped Toby off to this treasure chest, mainly because I don't want him to tell, not because I want to share.
The other upside to the changes around here is lots more walks and partying with our balls in the pickleball court. That is FUN!
Toby's Point of View the Weight Loss Journey
Sometimes it's just easier to let someone else think they came up with a good idea, you know?