St. Louis dog trainer Shane Wisdom has created a new product that will help dog owners housetrain their puppies and dogs much faster and more effectively than ever before. He invented the Gotta-Potty system. It is a wireless, recordable, canine potty training alarm system that uses a pressure activated mat which is equipped with a digital transmitter and wireless handheld receiver.
The idea is simple. The pressure activated mat goes in front of your door and can be discretely placed under your existing rug. You could also put it under your dog’s favorite pee spot where they typically like to go. The wireless transmitter is voice-recordable and will deliver a proper and reinforcing command to the dog when he triggers the device.
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For example, normally when your dog goes to squat on the rug in front of your door, you are nowhere in sight. The Gotta-Potty mat will trigger the wireless transmitter and your pre-recorded message will tell him to wait for you to get there. Your dog will begin to associate your recorded message with being let out and he will learn to wait for you without having an accident.

At the same time that the mat triggers the wireless transmitter, it will also trigger the hand-held receiver to notify you that your pooch needs to go out. Wisdom says that he created the Gotta-Potty system to help owners housetrain their dogs faster by teaching them how to listen to their pet’s body language.
The system alerts owners to the dog’s cues which may otherwise be overlooked or not seen. As Wisdom began his research for the Gotta-Potty he learned that one of the most common reasons that dogs are surrendered at shelters is because of housebreaking issues.
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As a dog trainer, he heard a lot of folks tell him that their dog ruined rugs and flooring because they would pee in front of the door before someone got there to let them out. Many owners would also tell him that they didn’t even realize their pet was at the door before they made the mess. Wisdom decided to invent a device that would help dog owners deal with this issue.
The system reinforces consistency, which is vital to any kind of dog training, especially housetraining. Your dog will hear the same recorded command every time, no matter who is home or how busy you are. You can even purchase a second mat to connect to the system so that you can cover two locations at once, like a front door and a back door.